Home From The Market | 7th + Fig 6Oct11

just a few things that made it home from the market…

Tomatoes | Strawberries | Garlic | Ginger | Onions | Hummus

So, even though  the prepared foods are a no, I fall victim.  I don’t know why I buy the hummus.  I have to do so much to it when I get back to work to even make it edible.   Why are people so heavy handed with the tahini?  Sheesh.  It’s like a science experiment, figuring out the right proportion of salt, pepper and lemon juice that will save me from the same mistake.  I just keep trying to recreate the feeling of the garlic artichoke hummus from the guys at Pershing.  It’s smooth with the acid bite.  It’s so garlicky that you really shouldn’t speaking to, you know, people for a while.  Even after you brush.  It is so good.  I just sighed thinking about it.

Ooooo, I have a dental appt right across the street from Pershing this week on the same afternoon as the market.  Oh, Good Hummus.  I can’t wait.  You are so worth it.


Home From The Market | Hollywood 2Oct11

just a few things that made it home from the market…

Kalex2 | Spinach | Mint | Limes | Carrots | Potatoes | Cucumbers | Tomatoes | Habanero Peppers | Lettuce

I don’t have tips on how to do the Farmers’ Market on a budget, but here are a few things I’ve learned and some I’m still working on:
1) Find a number that works for you, a number that you feel comfortable spending regularly.  Respect your wallet and peace of mind by not going over it.  I take what I can spend.  That’s it.  I started going to the market near my house when I was on unemployment.  I didn’t go every week, but, every other week when that check came, I figured out what I could afford to spend.
2) Figure out what you need and leave a little for what you want or what catches your eye.  I always need onions, tomatoes, cucumbers and kale.  After that, it’s up to mother nature’s bio-clock and whatever suits me.
3) Don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask questions.  Ask what it is, how much it is and how to best use it.  I was so used to getting fennel from a particular stand that charged by the bulb and not by weight.  So, when I went to another stand and gave the guy fennel and celery and then, dude said four and change.  Color me surprised.  I didn’t ask and should have.  If you don’t see a sign, ASK.  And don’t feel guilty about changing your mind.  I should have just gotten the celery.
4)Shop around.  Not all markets are the same.  Find one or more that serve your needs with selection and price.  Find one that excites your curiosity and nurtures your commitment to your wellbeing.  The market near our new office is heavy on the prepared foods, clothes and other specialty items.  The market near the house is busting with Korean and Bangladeshi ladies carrying big bags of produce home.  The market near the old office had an interesting mix of downtown dwellers and folks who carry loaded bags back to the work.  There are plenty more markets in the area to check out, but right now, I’m cool with my routine.

There’s been a lot written lately about the rising prices at Farmers’ Markets.  The markets in LA aren’t the cheapest, but neither are the conventional stores near me.  It doesn’t matter to me if it’s cheaper, if doesn’t taste like anything.  I don’t remember any produce I’ve purchased from a conventional store being curse-worthy or inducing an Alice Waters-ian breathy response.  I’ve had green peppers from the market sitting on the table making my whole apartment smell fresh and, well, green.  I’ve devoured peaches hoping that I couldn’t be seen or heard ’cause it was just dirty.  Arkansas Black apples are back in season and I’m paying $3 a pound for a bit of tart, salty heaven.  I’m so okay with that.

I’m only responsible for one person, but even when I was living off very little, I found a way to start.

I Stopped By | Mona Moore

since I was out…

I headed to Venice last month for an exhibition at a pop-up gallery near the beach for a couple of photographers I dig.  I’d only ever seen their work online, in mags and on album covers.  I was superexcited to be able to stand in front of prints and just see.   So, yeah.  Nobody was there.  Doors locked.  I asked around and no one knew anything.

Instead of running home in a huff, I walked a few blocks down to Abbot Kinney to meet up with my friend, Vincent, at Mona Moore.  He’d told me to stop by bunch.  I’m so glad I finally did.  I fell in love with a pair of shoes.  Not in a covetous, I’m-saving-my-pennies kind of way, but in a true appreciation for artistry, simplicity and beauty.  Oh, and they are lo-fi, eXtra* and badass.

I’m not sure if I would have pulled out my camera if the Mochilla show wasn’t locked up tight.  I think my head would have been there instead of being inspired by what was around me.  From my handmade soulmates to all the Balenciaga and Marni to Allie Pohl‘s Ideal Woman, I quite like Mona Moore.


eXtra = Much, Lots

Home From The Market | Hollywood 11Sept11

just a few things that made it home from the market…

Kalex2 | Spinach | Yams | Thomcord Grapes | Bay Leaves | Tomatoes | Onions | Cucumbers | Fennel | Ginger    Garlic | Lettuce | Broccoli

With only half the haul on view, this looks like one of the rare over-budget Sundays.  I, usually, only go to the market with a twenty, straight from the atm.  Some days, I carry more.  The problem with that is that I, uh, spend more.  There are days when I spend much less, but that’s at 7th + Fig.

I’ve got big eyes and a small fridge.  Having a budget and specific weekly needs keeps me from buying every pretty and interesting thing I see.  So along with the kale, tomatoes, onions and cucumbers, I get to experiment with a new or daunting vegetable or try a new herb without feeling like I’ve wasted money.  And, thankfully, because I don’t buy as much, there’s less opportunity for full-fridge neglect.  And when it does happen… *pursedlipsshrug*
