OverLooked | My Hair & I♥Mario Badescu, HARDCORE

the things i’ve been looking the hardest for have been right under my nose at home.

I can’t believe that my new favorite conditioner has been in my house unused for ages.  Seriously.  It was a part of a gift set I was sent when I got nostalgic for my NYC skin care routine.  And it just sat there, on the shelf, in the medicine cabinet.

I stopped relaxing my hair six years ago and if I wasn’t into the whole “doing my hair” thing before, I like it less now.  I don’t hate my hair.  I love it.  Lots.  I feel my family in its textures and I see my mother in the most random of styles.  It’s just that the one thing I’ve hated since I could remember someone combing my hair was someone/anyone combing my hair.  Tenderheaded and full of tangles since birth, probably.

The whole washing and combing it out thing is the most stressful part of a four hour pain in the ass.  No More Tangles definitely took some of the bite out of the process, but still.  The thought of so much time from shower to last last wisp flat-ironed always had me putting it off for another day, okay, weekend.

I am so digging what the Badescu has done.  There was no tug-of-war fought, no wasteland of battle weary strands woven among the comb’s teeth destined for their place in the bathroom trash, my sanity tossed in right after.  Nope.  My hair is cotton candy soft with just a smidge of coconut oil to nourish and maintain the shine.  Man, I can’t keep my hands out of my it.

I’m freakishly excited by this belated discovery.  So excited and giddy and happy, in fact, that I’m afraid to continue reading the list of ingredients for fear that it’s got something in it I shouldn’t be using.  Lanolin oil, does that mess with estrogen or cause cancer?  Wait, don’t tell me.  Let me empty that sample-sized bottle first.


Oh, My | Where The Weck Lives

i can hear connie francis* right now…

I longed aloud today for a simple carafe.  Someone heard me.

Did you read the newsletter?  Did you see the announcement?  Have you been to the website?  What?  No?  Heath Ceramics has gone Uber-Weck.  I think I♥Heath Ceramics, even more hardcore.

The range Heath now carries online is, umm, just stoopid.  Seriously, they’ve got Weck sets.  Love.  Wait, did I say that again? Love.  Fine.  Umm, silly happy.  How about that?  Better?

See for yourself.

…Hold on.  I just looked at the prices.  Why does it feel like it’s cheaper than when I got my first taste of Weck goodness last year?  It just might be.  I won’t argue.


*you know, she sung “Where The Boys Are,” the theme song to the 1960 Spring Break comedy.  No?  I guess that’s what I get for faking sick/ditching school and watching lots of old movies on the telly.

Ummm, Yeah | Updated…

Just a wee bit of housekeeping for a late Sunday night.

I came across another spot to pick up Weck jars.  I’ve updated the Weck Resource Guide post with the Canoe link.  They carry the asparagus/tall jar!!!

I’ve also updated the Nigella Dense Chocolate Loaf Cake post from earlier this year.  I realized that I, umm, hadn’t included the recipe.  I, also, made the cake for an office shower/pot-luck thingy.  Added ginger and changed the world.  Okay.  Changed my world.  Heaven on, well, you know.  It was good.

Have a great week!
