HFTM | Hollywood 17Oct10 – Play Misty For Me

just a few things that made it home from the market

{Red Potatoes, Green Beans, Squash, Zucchini, Golden Beets, Salad Greens, Habanero Chilis, Dill, Red Bell Peppers, Lemon Verbena, Tomatoes, Tarragon, Italian Parsley}

I always think of Clint Eastwood’s directorial debut every time it barely rains.  I doubt it ever aired on a melancholy Sunday afternoon at 3 on Channel 5, but it feels like it should have.

Now I’ve got movies I grew up on stuck in my head.  Did anyone else watch the Blondie & Dagwood movies on Sunday mornings?  Were the Kung Fu flicks on Saturday or Sunday?

I’m going to make some more tea and crawl into bed and watch my own Sunday afternoon movie, All About My Mother.


HFTM | Hollywood – Late, Again

just a few things that made it home from the market…

I think I’ve figured out why I beat myself up for not getting up early on a SUNDAY.

I was in Whole Food on Friday night. {♥: Stay Strong}  Um, in WeHo pet-sitting for friends, I decided to pop in to Whole Foods to pick up a few things for dinner.  {♥: Whew, that sounds better.}

It was weird, before I started to regularly shop at my local farmers’ markets, WF was fruit&veggie mecca.  Price be damned.  Everything so beautifully, artfully, colorfully arranged.  Um, ‘kay.  Whatevs.

Seriously, I walked in and started looking around the produce section like I was lost.  I had no urge to  splurge on any pretty perishables.  No one was offering me samples of just-picked fruit.  No one smiling as I milled about ready to offer answers before I could ask a question.  No bountiful baskets of bundled herbs with hand printed signs offering up a can’t miss deal.  No antsy kids counting down until closing time.  Eh, it just wasn’t the same.

I did pick up a few mushrooms and a garlic bulb.  And, my, did I stare at those rad golden beets, but I couldn’t put my head around buying anything I couldn’t wait two days to get at the market.  Oh, and my friend, PG, had picked tomatoes from the garden for me.  Score!

So, one would think after that epiphany, I would get up early, right?  Or wait, listen to this.  I didn’t get to do Pershing last Wednesday because it was like cold and rainy.   So, with very little fresh and green or orange or red or yellow in the house, I still got there at the end again.

It did just occur to me that I’ve been sick the last couple of days.  Maybe… Nah.  Sunday is just not my get up and go day.

Maybe next week.


Market.Watch | 4April10


just scallions and navel oranges this trip

I know it doesn’t look like much.  Heck, it looks like what I always get.  Really, it was a big deal.  I finally made it to the Hollywood Farmers’ Market this morning.

Leaving the house in the morning on a Sunday, any old Sunday, is big for me.  I just don’t do it.  I’m usually up til the wee hours refusing to let go of Saturday night.  Oh, Sweet Sunday, seems to always get the short end of the weekend stick.

Today was fun.  I got to take it all in with my friend and her six year old niece.  I was so busy seeing everything with Angel’s eyes that I actually didn’t buy much.  She was so excited to taste everything.  Even after the black olive debacle, she was back asking if she could have what was on offer.  She was adorable running around in her playful Easter dress demanding something extra special from the balloon guy.

So, while Angel and her Auntie M were actually getting oranges, greens, herbs, bagels and nuts, I just got some navel oranges.  And because Angel’s really not that into onions of any sort, I was on the receiving end of half a bunch.

I’ll be back next week.  If not to do most of my shopping, then definitely to people watch.  Loved it.
