Looking At | The Things We Keep

i don’t really collect anything.  it’s more that i accumulate the same kinds of things.

Every couple of days since the beginning of the new year,  I’ve been checking out artist Lisa Congdon’s latest project.  I’m intrigued by her intention to capture a collection a day for the entire year.

It makes me think about the things I keep.  I got rid of a lot when I moved across country.  What becomes fascinating, to me at least, are the little things I couldn’t leave behind.

Have you done a major purge?  How do you assign value to what stays and goes?  Any regrets?

I still miss some of my stuff, but also feel free from having so much.


thinking got me distracted | michael jackson

i really do it quite often.

I still don't know how, where or when I would have gotten this as a promo.

So, I’m working on a post about collections inspired by artist Lisa Congdon’s A Collection A Day, 2010 project.  I’ve been thinking about the things I brought with me from back east.  I kinda have stuff, but I don’t actively collect.  I just seem to keep some of the same kinds of things.  I’m documenting the few that have interesting stories or that tend to send me off thought wandering.

I was looking through my LPs to see if there was anything I wanted to shoot, when I realized that I hadn’t touched the 45s in ages.  I didn’t even know what was there.

I couldn’t believe what I found.  Just after Antidisestablishmentarianism, was Micheal Jackson’s Thriller leaning against the Purple Cat below.  It was this moment where I saw Junior High Me & Record Store Clerk Me giving each other the head nod of recognition as they passed each other in my memory.
