Tigress’ Can Jam | CherryMeyerGingerLade (Dec)

i’m so glad we had this time together…

Wow.  This is, well, it.  The last Tigress Can Jam post.

I think it’s kind of fitting that I’ve had random conversations with people offline about canning this month.  From the woman I met at the airport who just saw another grandchild born to the woman on the train who was thinking about another way to make homemade gifts for friends and family to the co-worker who talked about how his parents canned throughout his childhood. These interactions not only shared a bit of history and camaraderie, but, also, looked to the future.

Having grown in this space of TCJ, I feel challenged to do much more.  I’m so happy that canning can be another way to hold dear a bit of family that could easily be forgotten or missed in the passing of generations.  It’s time to really dig in to the stories and the history of my family and food and canning.  Before it’s too late, I want to find out as much as I can about how roots in the South and Midwest played a role in how we ate and what we eat.  And I need to get that recipe for Cha-Cha* and, um, make it.

So.  For the last month of Tigress’ Can Jam,  I’m starting kinda where I began, with a marmalade.  We’ll see how it turns out this time.

Framework adapted from Ashley English’s Cherry and Lemon Thyme Marmalade

1 lb meyer lemons
1/4 cup dried cherries, chopped
2 cups loosely packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon, fresh grated ginger
1 tablespoon bottled lemon juice

yield: approx 2 1/2 pints or 2 .25L weck jars

Prep your canner and sterilize your jars and lids.  Put a couple of saucers in the freezer.  Wash lemons well.  Quarter and remove seeds and pith.  Chop lemons and cherries into small pieces.

Add lemons, cherries, and lemon juice into non-reactive pot/saucepan.  Bring to a boil.  Reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes.  Add sugar and ginger.  Bring to a boil over medium-ish high heat for 25 minutes.  Watch and stir.  Lots.

Time to test for a set.  You are good to go when the jam reaches 220° f or you can do the wrinkle test.  Put a teaspoon of jam onto a chilled saucer and let it cool off for a sec.  Push it.  If it wrinkles a bit, it’s set.  If not, boil for 5 more minutes and try the wrinkle test again.

When ready, fill jars.  Leave a 1/4 inch of headspace. Use knife or other bubble releaser to make sure there are no air pockets.  Wipe rim clean with a damp cloth or paper towel.

Process for 15 minutes in the hot water bath.
NikkiBits: I♥Meyer Lemons.  I♥Cherries.  I♥Ginger, hardcore.  Every month has been filled with love.  Well, except, for July, but that was just a lot all around.  This here marmalade is GOOD.  Cooking at night with no flash.  Not so much.  I’ll shoot more in the am.

What’sNext: Where are my tangelos?  Seriously, it’s all about some marmalade.

So,  what else can I say about this amazing year of canning?  Not sure.  Now that it’s over, I want to take a minute to reflect on it.  I’ll either update this post or give Tigress’ Can Jam its own gratitude post.


*Some folks call it Chow-Chow.  We’ve always called it Cha-Cha.  It’s that cabbage, tomato, hot pepper relish.  I’ll make it for you.  Soon-ish.

5 Replies to “Tigress’ Can Jam | CherryMeyerGingerLade (Dec)”

  1. This sounds amazing and I have a pound of Meyer Lemon waiting! Just one question, did you add any water to the fruit mixture? If so, how much?

  2. I actually didn’t use any additional liquid. Just the fruit and the wee bit of commercia lemon juice. Can’t wait to hear how it turned out for you. ♥

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