Home From The Market | Hollywood 28Aug11

just a few things that made it home from the market…

Red Leaf Lettuce | Kale x 2 | Ginger | Garlic | Onions | Concord Grapes | Tomatoes | Squash | Cucumbers

I should apologize to the squash.  It went to waste in the fakeout drawer in the bottom of the fridge.

Dear Oh, So Lovely Family of Squash,

You deserved a tantalized tummy and you just ended up soggy and moldy.

I am so sorry.





4 Replies to “Home From The Market | Hollywood 28Aug11”

  1. I’m curious about this lovely family of squash. What dish would you have made with the squash if you could have exactly that bounty return to your refrigerator?

    Your Concord grapes reminded me that Grandma Dessie sometimes made wine. I was maybe seven or eight when I spotted this gorgeous bunch of little purple grapes on the counter, and of course, I asked for a handful. Dessie said that the beauties were for the wine, but I pressed for some anyway, and found them acidic and unlike any grapes I had tasted before.

    Also, I wonder what you’re keeping in the containers on your windowsill.

  2. I think one of the reasons they sat there was because I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to do with them. It happens. I get excited by color. If it says something to me as I’m walking past at the farmers’ market, I tend to buy it without a thought of how I’ll prepare it. I shop the market on a budget, so what I fail to use in time doesn’t cost me more than a couple of dollars.

    Wait. ‘Dessie made wine? Really? I didn’t know that. I’m toting around a copy of Wild Fermentation, reading a page every chance I get. There’s a bit on making Ethiopian Honey Wine. When I saw it, I was beyond geeked. I didn’t know why. Maybe it’s in the blood.

    The jars? Beads. Do you remember the trade bead bracelets my mom used to wear? After I stopped gardening on the sill, I planned to have a space to start working on jewelry. That will happen, but not so much yet. ♥

  3. Judy says that your blog says that you make stuff. She wants to know how she can get some of the stuff that you make. Also, she wants to know why the photo you’ve posted most recently is dated 28 August. I told her there was a backlog. (She made a face.)

    Ricci wants to know why you don’t just edit the responses to her comments and use them as posts. (She is making a face.) Instead of writing specifically to Ricci, you can write to the world. The world! (Evil laughter in echo chamber.)

  4. Alas, my problem with the making is the finishing. I’ve got a baby blanket almost done for a kid who’s almost two. Thanks for having my “backed up” back, I really have to get to it. It’s not like I don’t shoot every week.

    I had to read the “Ricci wants…” part like four times to get that you just told me to stop responding to comments and just, you know, post. I LOVE YOU MORE THAN RAINBOWS! ♥

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