HFTM | Pershing SQ {Beautiful & Bruised}

they made it home from the market

When I’m choosing what to bring home from the farmers’ market, I feel like I’m looking for something completely different than when I’m at conventional grocery stores and Whole Foods.

Perfection has a different set of criteria.  Those peaches, the ones above, would be sitting and left to rot.  Because they would have been next to ones that were less visually flawed or they wouldn’t have been on display at all.

But, my word, you should have smelled them.  I couldn’t take it all in.  I couldn’t breathe deeply enough.  They may have been visibly bruised, but beyond the skin there was just a gentle nudge to the otherwise firm flesh.  And, oh, were they sweet.

It’s only been a year since I’ve been going regularly to a few of my local farmers’ markets.  It’s been this amazing experience learning to use my other senses in picking produce.  I, now, know why it’s still hit or miss at conventional stores, cause pretty is only part of the story.


*Oh, the tomatoes?  Those poor things are a casualty of my tote every week.  The busted ones end up in a pot of something moments after the last snap.  It’s like they make the sacrifice so their friends can rest another day.